Having the privilege to speak at Church on the Rock in Texarkana Texas this past weekend was incredible! God moved in a way I have never seen before! I shared from Daniel 3 about how Shadrach, Meshach, & Abendago were thrown into the fiery furnace bound up, but because of their faith in the midst of the flames, they walked out Unbound by the power of God. I talked with the kids about how to be an overcomer & how important it was to our witness as Christians to live Unbound. I explained how only fire can withstand fire& in order to be unbound we must have the fire within us which is the Holy Spirit to withstand the flames of life & that we must receive Jesus as our Lord & Savior. I told the kids in each session that if they wanted the Holy Spirit to come forward. I was shocked at the response! Nearly every child in the room got up and came forward in all 3 services. Now after never having taught a Biblical lesson to an audience under the age of 12, I was nervous these kids were impulsively responding. So I clarified this was salvation we were talking about. That this wasnt just about praying a prayer, but that it was about their faith in the prayer & how from here forward this was a commitment that meant they were putting Jesus on the throne as Lord of their life. That only if they did not already have this gift was this applicable to them& that if they stayed up here to pray for this it meant this was the day of Salvation for each of them. Not one child budged. Everyone of them wanted this gift& were very sure they did. I had never seen a more sure audience. They understood fully what I was talking about and were ready to get saved. I was amazed. So together I prayed with them to receive Jesus into their life as Lord and Savior. I prayed for a hedge of protection around the seed within them and that God would protect it and make it grow & flourish & that He would raise up that generation to be warriors for His namesake. I then prayed with them to be over-comers and that through their good works amidst the flames in life, men would see their good works and praise our Father in Heaven. I looked each of them in the eye and explained what they had just received and committed to& I told them to be sure to tell their parents and everyone they knew of the commitment they made that day!
The Lord taught me a very valuable lesson this weekend: Never underestimate what God can do when you are willing to reap the Harvest He has prepared. I must admit, I was hesitant and unsure when I saw the ages of the youth I would be speaking to this past weekend. I even asked God- Are they going to understand the lesson I have prepared? And the Lord responded- 'Jess, Don't hold back. Have faith. Trust me. I know what I am doing.' So I did. I shared a mature lesson with 3 different groups of kids ages 6- 11 & at the end of each service nearly every kid came forward. God showed me the harvest is ripe & that He had been training up and growing these kids for a while and it was this past weekend that they were ready to be saved. I am seriously in awe of what my eyes witnessed this past weekend. God is raising up a mighty army for His glory. I am humbled I got to be apart. Join me in praying for these children- that God would continue to grow & nourish them and bring in mighty saints to disciple each of them up in the way of the Lord! I had an incredible experience this past weekend and I am thankful to COTR for having me!
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