He is not a Sidenote

Deuteronomy 6:1-15 : 

"Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the rules that the LORD your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over, to possess it, that you may fear the LORD your God, you and your son and your son’s son, by keeping all his statutes and his commandments, which I command you, all the days of your life, and that your days may be long. Hear therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them, that it may go well with you, and that you may multiply greatly, as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey.
 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
"And when the LORD your God brings you into the land that he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you—with great and good cities that you did not build, and houses full of all good things that you did not fill, and cisterns that you did not dig, and vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant—and when you eat and are full, then take care lest you forget the LORD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. It is the LORD your God you shall fear. Him you shall serve and by his name you shall swear. You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are around you—for the LORD your God in your midst is a jealous God lest the anger of the LORD your God be kindled against you, and he destroy you from off the face of the earth."

"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. "- Deuteronomy 6:5

Heart: He should be the only reason you get out of bed in the morning and look forward to your day. When you read your Bible, it should bring tears to your eyes because of the realization that you are reading the words of the living God and if it doesn't then get on your face and ask God to help you realize. When you worship at church, the words from your lips should correlate with the thoughts of your heart- Don't give God lip service, singing words to songs you never intend to carry out- get rid of your insincerity, throw away the distractions, and drop the christian act you know how to play so well. God wants your whole heart, not just a portion, and if He can't have all of it then He doesn't want any of it. God must be the only thing you are living for!
Soul: He is the only reason you exist, and though it may seem like I am stating the obvious, there is a difference between knowing and believing. You must believe such truth because when you believe it- and I mean really believe it and take it in that God and God alone is the only reason you are of existence right now and have been for the duration of your life- such knowledge will reflect from within you, out of you and will affect not only how others see you and how you see yourself, but will affect how you see God. It is not enough to know that He created you, you must believe it. God must be the core of your personality, goals, and your life.  Ladies, He is the only reason you are here.
Might: He should be the only thing you spend your energy on. God must be the only thing you work for, strive for, and take the greatest risks for! Many could argue that it is unreasonable to spend all our energy on God because He has called us to do certain/ other things, but realize that God is more than a priority, He is everything! If you are a follower of Christ, then God is who you aim to please and work you must, for this is expected.

Jesus Christ is not a side note Ladies, but sadly this is the concept that has plagued the Body of Christ today. Where in this scripture do we see an option to be a Christian and love God above all else? It is not there. There are no other options because Christ is the only option! When we love God with all that we are: heart, soul, and might, we become more like Christ. Goodness,  I wish I could write more, but this weeks' devotional is going to be a little short- its been college move-in/get started/ settled week, so I have been busy like crazy, but count on another one this Sunday! And yes I am back, and yes I miss you all very much! Cant wait to see all of you this Sunday!

How are you enjoying the running routine ??? I hope good because this week I want you to add one lap- that's right ladies were doing 9, as well as the witnessing! That means witness everywhere you go, including the cashier or greeter at walmart, the lady at the bank, the girl or boy in your classes- everywhere!  How is the prayer walk going??? God is faithful and that is something we each must discover on our own with God, thus prayer walking after the run continues! Remember I want to hear about the divine encounters and the witnessing! I love you ladies, work hard this week, and make it a point to love others in a visible way. Women of God never back down, for Christ lives within us, and with Him all things are possible! 


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About Me

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Welcome to my blog! My name is Jessica! I’m an unapologetic woman of faith in Jesus Christ. My heart beats for Gods Word, Girls Ministry, Art,& as an overcomer of poverty, I have a fierce passion for serving at-risk youth. I’m the CEO & founder of The Birds Nest Co., a multidisciplinary arts business& virtual store that sponsors my official ministry,UNBOUND, which is focused on freeing at-risk girls from poverty, but is fervently dedicated to empowering& serving all at-risk youth in the name of Jesus Christ. UNBOUND meets real needs among the under-served youth of our nation as well as gives others the opportunity to join the movement. It is my hope as a writer, speaker,& artist to bring glory to Jesus name, to teach His Word to girls with excellence, &raise funds, equip,& empower disadvantaged children to overcome poverty at an outrageous level. It’s through The Birds Nest Co.& UNBOUND Ministries that I am answering the call God has placed on my life to set the captives free. UNBOUND is the message the Lord has called me to speak& the mission He has put in my heart to serve. This blog is the host of my journey.Thank you for visiting& God bless!

Upcoming Events/ Appearances

  • March 2016. Speaking & Speed painting. Made4This Girls Conference. Nashville, TN
  • December 6, 2015. Speaking & Speed Painting. Mount Pleasant Christian Church. Greenwood, IN
  • November 8, 2015. Speed Painting. Skyline Church. San Diego, California.
  • November 6, 2015. Speed Painting. BSM Sports Conference. Houston, TX
  • October 23/24, 2015. Unbound Campaign Launch. Nashville, TN.
  • September 6, 2015. Speaking, Speed Painting, Guest Judge. SOCO Pageant. South Haven, MS
  • July 1, 2015. Featured on A & E Country Bucks. Wednesday 10/9C
  • March 7, 2014. Community Ambassador. Lexington Chili Super. Lexington, TN
  • March 15, 2014. Miss Tennessee Workshop. Jackson, TN
  • March 16/19 2014. Speed Painting/ Speaker. Journey Church. Jackson, TN
  • March 22, 2014. Photo Shoot. The Birds Nest Photography. Memphis, TN
  • March 26, 2014. Volunteer. Make A Wish Foundation-Mikes Day of Giving. Bellevue, TN
  • April 6, 2014. Speaker. Lexington Methodist Church. Lexington, TN
  • April 12, 2014. Speed Painter and Ambassador. FedEx Family House Gala. Memphis, TN
  • April 20, 2014. Speed Painter. Adventure Church. Columbus, OH
  • April 27, 2014. Speaker & Speed Painter. Relay For Life. Lexington, TN
  • May 10, 2014. Wedding Stylist. The Birds Nest Co. Memphis, TN
  • May 17, 2014. Wedding Stylist. The Birds Nest Co. Memphis, TN
  • June 14-22, 2014. Miss Tennessee Pageant. Jackson, TN

Past Events/ Appearances

  • March 4, 2014. Goodwill Ambassador for CMN. National Pancake Day. IHop- Searcy, AR
  • February 26, 2014. Meeting with Mayors of Lexington/Henderson County. Lexington, TN
  • February 25, 2014. Spokesperson. Kids Kan Event for Mid-South Food Bank & Fox News-Memphis. Germantown, TN
  • February 21-23, 2014. DNOW Group leader. Bellevue Baptist Church. Memphis, TN
  • February 15, 2014. Visiting Titleholder. Miss Banana Pudding Festival Pageant. Centerville, TN
  • February 8, 2014. Visiting Titleholder. Miss Dyersburg Pageant. Dyersburg, TN
  • February 1, 2013. Celebrity Guest. Princess Tea Party & Crowning Ceremony. Arlington, TN
  • January 25, 2014. Miss Lexington/Henderson Co. Pageant. Lexington, TN
  • December 22, 2013. Speed Painting. Faith Baptist Church- Christmas Program. Memphis, TN.
  • November 27 2013. The Birds Nest Co. Virtual Store Launches.
  • November 27-December 11, 2013. The Birds Nest BFA Gallery Show. Memphis College of Art. Memphis, TN.
  • November 22-23, 2013. Speaker/ Speed Painting. Dallas Church Girls Retreat. Dallas, TX
  • November 15, 2013. Photo Shoot. The Birds Nest Photography. Memphis TN
  • November 1-3, 2013. Interior Designer. BN Interiors. Austin, TX.
  • October 26, 2013. Photo Shoot. The Birds Nest Photography. Memphis, TN.
  • October 4-5, 2013. Speaker. Church on The Rock. Texarkana TX
  • September 2013. Launched The UNBOUND Project with the U.S. Dream Academy-Memphis. Memphis, TN
  • July 2013. Interior Designer & Artist. The Birds Nest for Bellevue Baptist Church. Memphis, TN
  • June 2103. Miss Tennessee Pageant 2013. Jackson, TN
  • May 2013. Host & Coordinator. CMN Talent Show Fundraiser. Collierville, TN.
  • May 2013. Meeting/Award Ceremony with the Prince of England, Miss America 2013, & Governor Haslam. Nashville, TN
  • May 2013. Speaker & Speed-painter. Bellevue Baptist Church. Arlington, TN
  • May 2013. Ambassador and Spokesperson for Collierville Parks & Recreation. Fishing Rodeo. Collierville, TN
  • April 2013. Speaker. Crosswinds Elementary School. Germantown, TN.
  • April 2013. Speaker. Girls Ministry. First Baptist Church. Collierville, TN
  • April 2013. Ambassador. Volunteer Mid-South. Memphis, TN
  • April 2013. Spokesmodel for FedEx Family House Gala. Memphis, TN
  • March 2013. Host for The Southern Women's Convention & Model for Cache'. Memphis TN
  • November 16, 2012. Speaker. Happily Ever After Girls Ministry Event. Bellevue Baptist Church. Memphis TN
  • October 2012. Speaker. Freedom Girls Conference. Heritage Baptist Church. Texarkana TX

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