“Everything that is perceived is grasped not according to its own force but rather according to the capability of those who perceive it.” -Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy.
We can not perceive God, not because He can not be perceived, but it is because of our limited perception that He, in His fullness, is not perceivable. What is known and not known is dependent on the capacity of the knower, rather than dependent on what is to be known. It is not the fault of the thing to be understood, but rather the fault of one’s capacity to which one is able to understand that things are understandable. Our perception is limited as far as we are able to perceive. In other words, we have been given 5 senses to perceive our surroundings, and we are only capable of perceiving our surroundings in so far as we are capable to perceive. Therefore, if any aspect of the world around us exceeded our 5 senses we would never know it, because we are only aware of that which we can perceive. Meaning, if the thing to be perceived can not be tasted, touched, smelled, seen, or heard then our perception would conclude it does not exist because we can not perceive it. But what if there were an entirely different world around us, far greater and more dense than we could imagine, but we were just not capable of perceiving it because it required another sense in which to be able to perceive it? What if we were given a sixth sense in order to perceive this unseen, untouched, un-smelled, untasted, unheard world around us in which we can not perceive with just our 5 senses? This is interesting because that sixth sense does exist, and there is more to perceive of existence than that which we are capable of perceiving with our 5 senses. The sixth sense is faith, and that which is not perceivable without faith is God. Our 5 senses can not pick up on God, but that doesn’t mean He is not there. Only when a mortal believes there is more to be perceived than what is before them and seeks that sixth sense in which enables them to perceive that which is the more and true depth of reality, in which is God, are they truly capable of perceiving a world in which can not naturally be perceived. We can not perceive God naturally because we are locked in present time and can see only temporal things; and we are not capable of seeing eternal things because we are not eternal. Our senses are fixed to a temporal state and can only perceive that which is temporal because we are temporary. God is in all times past, present, and future, but we are only in the present. We are never capable of leaving the present. We have experienced the past, and we seek to experience the future, but we can enter into neither because we are locked in the present time- the time in which when past makes History, and when yet to come, allows future. The present time is the only time we are capable of existing in, but God exists in all time. Therefore, what is eternal can not be perceived by that which is temporal. Only what is eternal can perceive the eternal, therefore, in order for the temporal to perceive the eternal, the eternal must be present within the temporal or else that which is temporal will only be able to perceive temporal things. This is interesting because this is possible. The eternal within the temporal is the Holy Spirit within us. Therefore, one must not only believe there is more to be perceived than what is before them and seek the sixth sense in which enables them to perceive more than what is naturally perceived, but one must also accept, receive, abide by, and submit to that which is eternal in order to perceive it. Therefore, the natural capacity to perceive has an expiration date. It is not true perception, it is only true perception as far as it is temporal, in which all that is perceived is only temporary and will not last. To truly perceive is to perceive that which is eternal, in which all that is perceived will withstand the foundations of time. Therefore, to perceive in perception’s fullest is to seek God.
Job 9: 10-11:
" He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed,
miracles that cannot be counted.
When he passes me, I cannot see him;
when he goes by, I cannot perceive him."
Hebrews 11:1:
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."Hebrews 11:6 :
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Psalm 145: 13:
"For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.You rule throughout all generations."
CHALLENGE: It takes faith to perceive God, and if perception in its' fullest is seeking God, then I challenge you to tap into that sixth sense this week. It is time for a reality check! Perceive the God that exists in and around you. You have spent your whole life exercising your 5 senses, and now it is time to put to use the one you have received from God to perceive Him. Ask God to reveal 3 different characteristics about Himself to you this week in ways that are relevant to what you are experiencing in life right now. So however life is treating you, look for situations where He as a PERSON reveals His character to you. In order to know God as a person, we must take the time to perceive Him, and to perceive Him, we must have faith. Therefore, ladies, keep your spiritual eyes peeled by having faith so that you may perceive WHO He is, by what He does. Write down all three experiences- take the time to write them all down in your prayer journals- and spend time meditating on how what He did taught you more about who He is. We are seeking to discover God's personality! I would love to hear all about it too, so feel free to comment or send me an e-mail at luckyblondie723@aol.com . Keep me posted ladies. Love you & God bless.
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